Thursday 13 May 2010

Researching Existing Media Products


The title is large and easy to read even though the main artist is covering a small area of the title.

There is a light soft colour scheme that links with the softness of the photograph, the colours have been edited on the photograph to look slightly old fashioned and musky with a slight glint of shine behind the main artist which attracks the eye to the main image.

The sub articles stand out and would grab the readers attention.

The text over laps the main image, this attracks the eye to the main image and then to the sub articles.

The main image looks strong and independant.

The use of highlights when editing the image attracks your attention to the artist, it works well with the dull yet patterned background as it's not too fussy or distracting.

The sub articles are placed behind the artist and are slightly over shadowed by her shadow.

The text is very bold and the use of black and white means it's easily read.

The title of the magazine is very small but the red and white clash with the image therefore it stands out more.

This main image looks very powerful and relates to the old time posters of "We Want You", where the character is pointing to the viewer.

The title of the magazine is easily seen as the two contrasting colours of red and white make it stand out the the reader.

The sub picture is a lot more casual therefore doesn't distract the eye from the main image.

The colour scheme is very simple but very effective with these images.

The main image is very playful and each member of the band is looking directly into the camera.

The title of the magazine stretches from one side to the other and is located behind the band members.

The colour scheme is very bright and playful and links in with the playful main image.

The main article title bold and bright making it stand out from the main image.

The star shape around the title "Game Boys" is very eye catching for the reader.

The main title is in bold and white with a dark shadow making it stand out from the main image (if the shadow was not there it wouldn't be as effective).

The main image is taken through a fish eye lense therefore distorting the photo and attracking the eye to the two main artists in the middle.

The two yellow stars used attract the readers attention as they are bright and bold compared the the colour of the image and other text.

The colour scheme is very plain and simple yet effective.

The smaller images located at the top of the page for the sub articles are at the top of the page because the readers tend to read from the top of the magazine to the bottom.


This contents page appears very male dominant because of the imagery used. Meaning it could be aimed at males.

The images used have very casual poses, not very structured, very loose.

The colour scheme is very simple, white, black and green. The pastel coloured imagery links in with the pastel shade text.

The magazine includes music and fashion so it's open to a wider audience.

The text is very structured and neat down the right hand side of the page so that the readers are drawn to the imagery first.

The title of the magazine is used in the features, "CLASHFEATURES".

This contents page doesn't have much structure and although the imagery on the left if lined on the left it has a jaggered outer edge to give it a more relaxed feel.

The imagery is placed on the left hand side so that the readers are attracted to the imagery first.

There's small captions below the sub article imagery to explain what is going on in the photograph.

The bold red sub headings stand out from the rest of the text, easily read.

A cartoon image is used at the bottom of the cluster of sub article imagery, this gives off a child like quality from the magazine.

The main image on the contents page is very simplistic and sophisticated, it shows one artist on a dark background so that the artist stands out a lot more.

The blue and green colour scheme works well with the black and white.

The white font stands out well on the main image and is very easy to read.

The three sub article images at the top of the page are bright and will attract the readers attention as they read down the page.

The main image is located at the top of the page and has a very musky edit where the saturation has been lowered to give an old fashioned effect.

The font used for the title of the page is very eye catching and ties in with the artistic theme as it looks as though it's been painted on.

The bold red sub headings are eye catching and easy to read.

The quote at the corner of the page will appeal to the readers wanting to know about the main article.

This main image on the contents page gives the impression this is a male dominated magazine, although when reading the sub articles, this is not the case.

The colour scheme throughout the magazine is simplistic, red, black, grey and white. The grey box around the text helps it to be read more easily.

The "Features" text has a red box around it to make it more eye catching, as does the "Every month" text.

The sub article imagery is placed at the bottom of the page, this is so it is the last thing the reader reads. Therefore maybe directing them to that page.


The title of the article isn't central and over laps the center. This makes it stand out more and the text is very large and eye catching.

The article is in four columns which isn't very common.

The artists outfit is brighter than the rest of the article therefore she stands out the the readers.

The artists name is typed in red in the sub paragraph emphasising who she is.

The article contains a drop capital.

It contains page numbers and reference to the title of the magazine.

The main image fills one of the pages and slightly over laps onto the next. It is located the to right of the page so that the reader will read the article first before looking at the image.

The article contains a drop captil and the rest of the article is spaced around the drop capital.

The main image has a caption in the top right hand corner telling the reader what is happening in the photograph.

This article only has two colmns, this is unusual.

The sub paragraph is long and is typed in a larger font.

The article is in three columns to make the layout easier to read.

There is a drop capital at the beginning of the article, the text surrounds it and over lap.

The quote from the article is on the main image, this makes it stand out more as it is on the black jacket in a white font.

The main image is black and white, this is normally a brand image for pete doherty.

The pose in the image is very casual, he is wearing very casual clothes.

The name of the artist and article is in a large grey font.

The article on this double page spread is only in one column on one page.

The main image covers one page and slighly over laps onto the next.

The main heading is in a large yellow font, which makes it stand out from the rest of the text.

The name of the band is in the top left hand corner, it is the first thing the reader will read.

This is a caption on the photograph to say who took the photo, where the photo was taken etc.

Black, white and yellow contrast well with the soft lighting in the main image.

The outfits the band are wearing in the main image ties in with the colour scheme of the double page spread.

Not all the members of the band are looking directly at the camera, more original.

The main image fills one page and slightly spills over to the next.

The graphic symbol around the 'K' in Kasabian fills what would be a bland space therefore it is eye-catching.

The sub paragraph is in a larger font than the rest of the article.

The article containts a drop capital which carries on to become a graphic symbol which follows the colour scheme of the double page spread.

The quote from the article is on a green background with white writing, which ties in with the colour scheme.

The text in the article goes around the images.

There's a caption on the smaller image to explain what is happening in the photograph.

The smaller image relates to the main article.

The sentences in the article are different lengths.

The columns in the article are seperated by dotted lines.

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