Thursday 13 May 2010

Audience Research

My Questionnaire

Cross the Boxes [x] (you may cross more than one if it applies)

1. Are you…

Female [ ]
Male [ ]

2. How old are you?

13 – 15 [ ]
16 – 18 [ ]
Over 18 [ ]

3. Do you read magazines often?

Daily [ ]
Weekly [ ]
Monthly [ ]
Yearly [ ]

4. List four music magazines you read (or as many as you can)…


5. What type of imagery attracts you to a music magazine?

Your favourite singer [ ]
Your favourite band [ ]
A number of music stars [ ]
A random image that reminds you of the genre [ ]

6. What sort of things catch your eye when looking for a music magazine?

Images [ ]
Titles [ ]
Main Story [ ]
Inside Stories [ ]
Celebrities/People featured in the Magazine [ ]

7. What price range do your music magazine you buy lie in…

99p - £2 [ ]
£2.01 - £3 [ ]
£3.01 - £4 [ ]
£4.01 - £5 [ ]
Over £5 [ ]

8. Do the music magazines you read contain free gifts/posters?

Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Sometimes [ ]


Most of the people I found that read music magazines were male. Each person was aged between 16 - 18. Most of the people read their music magazines weekly. NME and Paste are the most read magazine (genre – Indie/Rock). Most people are attracted by the magazine because of who is in them. The thing that first catches their eye when looking for a music magazine is the imagery. Most people pay between £2.01 - £3 for their magazines. Most of the magazines people buy sometimes have free gifts or posters.

How old are you?
Do you read magazines often?
List four music magazines you read the most
What type of imagery attracts you to a music magazine?
What sort of things catch your eye when looking for a music magazine?
What price range do your music magazine you buy lie in…
Do the music magazines you read contain free gifts/posters?

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